Italian PM Mario Draghi Set To Resign After Coalition Ally Pulls Its Support For Govt


Despite winning a no-confidence vote in the Senate on Thursday, Italy's Premier Mario Draghi has clarified that he would resign from his post after a coalition.

Despite winning a no-confidence vote in the Senate on Thursday, Italy's Premier Mario Draghi has clarified that he would resign from his post after a coalition ally pulled its support for the government. Notably, the prospects of his pandemic unity government were in doubt as the populist 5-Star Movement boycotted the vote. This drove his coalition into a crisis. The vote was 172-39 on a relief bill to help Italians facing soaring energy costs, but 5-Stars senators were absent after confirming they wouldn’t participate. Subsequently, Italy's PM approached President Sergio Mattarella in order to decide his next step including the possibility of his resignation.

Mario Draghi set to leave

During the no-confidence motion, he repeatedly clarified that the populists were among the coalition partners that signed up to be part of his government last year and that he would not like to move forward without their support.  As of now, it is up to the President whether he accepts his resignation or not before Parliament’s term expires next year. Possibly, if the President failed to provide any solution, Draghi's government can continue unless and until he dissolved the legislature and call an early election. 

“The majority of national unity that has sustained this government from its creation doesn’t exist anymore,” Draghi said in a statement released by his office.


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